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Graduates of the Global Business Journalism program span six continents and more than 70 countries. Here are some of their success stories in the worlds of journalism, business and beyond.

Old Globe


76 countries

6 continents


GBJ alumni nations: A WordCloud

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Global  reach

Search our alumni by continent

Global Business Journalism program graduates have used taken their talents around the world. GBJ alumni work in dozens of countries in industries such as traditional media,  New Media, finance, technology and consulting. They work for multinational giants, small to mid-size companies, start-ups, nonprofits, government agencies and NGOs. Some GBJ alumni have become entrepreneurs. Click on each photo below to take a look at what GBJ graduates from that continent are doing now.

Career advice from alumni

Journalism videos by alumni

Global Business Journalism graduate Linda Lew is interviewed by International Center for Journalists President Joyce Barnathan for a global webinar on COVID-19 coverage.

2017 graduate Grace Shao reports for CNBC in 2020 about the challenges posed by deep-fake technology.

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