The best English language journalism master's program in China.

Global Business Journalism
Meet the GBJ Faculty
Click on the names or photos to explore detailed biographies of the professors,
PhD, Jonkoping University, Sweden
Dr. Hang Min is the Associate Dean for International Affairs in the Tsinghua School of Journalism and Communication. She is the author of several books and book chapters, journal articles and conference papers on topics including New Media Ventures, International Media Product Portfolios Management, Media Economics Research, Media and Entrepreneurship, and Media Human Resources Management.
GBJ Courses: Economics and Accounting Basics for Journalists, Media Management and Economics and Media Leadership: Theories and Practices
Master's supervisor, international students
B.A., M.A., University of Pennsylvania
Professor Dunham is a former White House correspondent for BusinessWeek and Washington bureau chief for the Houston Chronicle and Hearst Newspapers. He is a former president of the National Press Club in Washington and author of the textbook Multimedia Reporting (Springer, 2019). His research interests include trends in multimedia journalism, social media, digital coverage of politics and policy, and efforts by traditional media outlets to adapt to the digital news environment.
Courses: Multimedia Business Reporting, Hot Topics in Global Economics, Basic News Writing, Advanced News Writing, and U.S. Media Culture.
Secondary supervisor, journalism portfolios,.
Dean, Tsinghua School of Journalism and Communication
B.A., M.A.. PhD, Tsinghua University
Dr. Zhou is Associate Professor of Public Diplomacy and Global Communications for the School of Journalism and Communication. He is also the deputy editor of Public Diplomacy Quarterly, which is the only academic magazine of public diplomacy in China. He is a former visiting scholar at the United States State Department. His research interests include Public Diplomacy, Global Communications Theory, Comparative International Journalism
Courses: Public Diplomacy, Opinion and Editorial Writing
Master's supervisor, international students
Administrative dean
PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Shi is Professor of Media and Cultural Studies and the Associate Dean of International Development for the School of Journalism and Communication at Tsinghua University. He also is director of the Israel Epstein Center for Global Media and Communication at Tsinghua and the journalism school's liaison with Tsinghua's Schwarzman College. His research interests include Media and Cultural Studies, Intercultural Communication, Global Communication, Public Communication, Press and Politics.
Courses: Intercultural Communication, History of Global Communication, U.S. Media Culture, Cutting- Edge Topics for Journalism and Communication Studies, Strategic Communication for Spokespersons
Master's supervisor, international students
Chinese faculty
PhD, Oxford University
Dr. Fan is a Professor of Corporate Communication Studies. She also is academic director of Tsinghua Public Relations and Strategic Communication Institute. Her research interests include corporate communication, cross-cultural communication, media language, and corporate social responsibility. Professor Fan is a recipient of many awards, including the Chinese National Award for Excellent Teaching in Higher Education.
Courses: Corporate Communication, Cross-Cultural Communication, Managerial Communication, Public Speaking, English News Reporting
Master's supervisor, international students
Chinese faculty
PhD, Renmin University
Professor Chen Changfeng is Director for Journalism Studies at the Tsinghua School of Journalism and Communication and Associate Dean of Pedagogy. Her research interests include mass media and social change, history of mass media, and media ethics. She is former chair of the Journalism Department at Peking University. Her publications include: Influenced by America: Journalism & Communication Education Research in China; History of Mass Communication in China: Media and Social Change, and Chinese Journalism Since 1949. She is the author of more than 40 articles about public opinion on the internet, popular culture and mass media, and other topics.
Master's supervisor, international students
Chinese faculty
PhD, University of Texas-Austin
Dr. Dai is a professor at the School of Journalism and Communications at Tsinghua University. Her academic research has been published in journals such as Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Journalism Practice, and Asian Journal of Communication. She also serves as a reviewer for several academic journals. At Tsinghua she teaches both theoretical and skill courses. Her research interests include media sociology, new media and social transformation, and global communication.
Courses: Communication Research Methods, Media Law and Ethics, Advanced News Gathering
Master's supervisor, international students
Chinese faculty
PhD, Texas A&M University
Dr. Lu is an Associate Professor at the School of Journalism and Communication at Tsinghua University. He is the Associate Editor of the Global Media Journal (Chinese edition) and is serving in the editorial board of the Journal of International and Intercultural Communication. His works appeared in a number of leading international journals, including Media, Culture & Society, New Media & Society, International Communication Gazette, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, and the International Journal of Communication. His research interests include New media technologies & social change, and international/global communication
Courses: Media Research Methods
Master's supervisor, international students
Chinese faculty
B.A., M.A.. PhD, Tsinghua University
Dr. Hu is a professor and administrative dean at the School of Journalism and Communication at Tsinghua University. His research interests include Theory of Journalism and Communication, Corporate Communication, Communication of Science and Technology, Strategy Communication, and National Image. He is a former visiting scholar at the University of Southern California.
Courses: Principles of Journalism, Marxist View of Journalism, Public Opinion, and Strategy Communication
Master's supervisor, international students
Chinese faculty
PhD, Purdue University
Dr. Kuang came to Tsinghua in 2020 after four years at Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania. She earned her Ph.D. in health communication at Purdue University, where she received the Gerald R. Miller Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award. Research interest include health communication, health information management and risk message design and evaluation.
Courses: Public speaking, health communication, interpersonal communication
Master's supervisor, international students
Chinese faculty
PhD, The University of Leeds
Dr. Li is an Associate Professor and the Deputy Director of Institute of Public Relations and Strategic Communication at the School of Journalism and Communication at Tsinghua University. Her research interests include International Communication, Political Communication, Media and Communication in EU-China Relations, Public Relations and Strategic Communication
Courses: Multicultural Communication
Master's supervisor, international students
Chinese faculty
PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. Jiang is an Associate Professor at the School of Journalism and Communication. She is the author of Internet Addiction among Cyberkids in China: Risk Factors and Intervention Strategies (Springer, 2019). Her research interests include Media psychology, ICTD, Globalization, Popular culture, Computational Social Science Teaching.
Courses: The Psychology of New Media, Communication Theories, New Media and Society, Research Methods for Communication Studies, Academic Research Workshop
Master's supervisor, international students
Chinese faculty
PhD, Hong Kong Baptist University
Dr. Jin is a professor in the School of Journalism and Communication at Tsinghua. His research interests include New Media Studies, Science Communication, Communication Theory and Research Methods, Editing and Publishing
Courses: New Media Studies, Communication Research Methods, Media Research and Statistics, Book Editing and Publishing, Media and Society, Media Effects Studies
Master's supervisor, international students
Chinese faculty
B.A., M.A., PhD, Tsinghua University
Dr. Cao is an Associate Professor in the School of Journalism and Communication at Tsinghua University. She is the Executive Editor of Global Media Journal (Chinese edition). Her research interests include intellectual history of European communication research, the film and TV industries, and audiences of TV and film.
Courses: Introduction to Radio and Television Studies
Master's supervisor, international students
Chinese faculty
PhD, Tohoku University, Japan
Dr. Cui is a professor in the School of Journalism and Communication. He is the Director of the Center for Media and Management & Economic Studies and the Tsinghua-Nikkei Institute of Media Studies. His research interests include communication theory, media management, and information society.
Courses: Communication Theory, Research Methods of Communications, Media Operation and Management
Master's supervisor, international students
Chinese faculty
PhD, Tsinghua University
Dr. Lei is Professor of Documentary Film Study and Production at the Tsinghua School of Journalism and Communication. He founded Tsingying Film Studio in 2006 and has been a producer, executive producer and director of documentary films. His research interests include Documentary Film Study and Production, TV Production.
Courses: Workshop on Film and TV Production in the Global Business Journalism Program, Documentary Film Making
Master's supervisor, international students
Chinese faculty
B.A., Nanjing University; LLM, University of London
Mr. Li is a professor of journalism at Tsinghua. He is director of Tsinghua University International Center for Communication, a member of the Chinese Foreign Ministry Advisory Committee on Public Diplomacy, director of Tsinghua University Center for Pakistan Culture and Communication. His research interests include Journalism, Global Journalism, Press and Public Policy, Health Communication
Courses: News Reporting and Writing, Media Studies, Global Media Literacy
Master's supervisor, international students
Chinese faculty
PhD, Communication University of China
Dr. Zeng is an Associate Professor in the School of Journalism and Communication at Tsinghua University. He was an award-winning journalist for the Southern Newspaper Group in Guangzhou for about six years, specializing in stories about grassroots politics and innovative business practices. His research interests include Media and Civil Society, Environmental Communication, Corporate Social Responsibility, New Media and Public Opinion
Courses: News Reporting, Media and Civil Society in China
Master's supervisor, international students
Chinese faculty
Ph.D., Freie University, Berlin
Dr. Wu is an Associate Professor in the School of Journalism and Communication, Assistant Director of Center for Journalism & Education Reform Studies and Editor of the Global Media Journal at Tsinghua University. A former German Chancellor Fellow from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and visiting scholar at Ludwig-Maximilians-University München, she has published the monograph The History of German Journalism.
She also was a visiting scholar at New York University researching Online Privacy and Public Communication. Her research interests include Computer-mediated Communication, Intercultural Communication, Political Communication and Media History.
Courses: Intercultural Communication, Media History
Chinese faculty
Ph.D., Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Chen, an assistant professor in the School of Journalism and Communication, became a member of the Tsinghua faculty in 2021. She received her bachelor's degree in psychology from Beijing Normal University, and her Ph.D. in social psychology. Her academic research has been published in journals such as New Media & Society and Journal of Medical Internet Research. She also serves as a reviewer for several academic journals. At Tsinghua, she teaches both theoretical and skill courses. Her research interests include media psychology, cyberpsychology.
Courses: Communication Research Methods and Media Psychology.
Chinese faculty
Ph.D., Renmin University of China
Dr. Wang is Professor of Journalism and Media Criticism in the School of Journalism and Communication and a Senior Research Fellow at the Israel Epstein Center for Global Media and Communication,. He is a media critic with more than10 years' experience in media criticism teaching and practice. Earlier, he was a Senior Editor or the Overseas Edition of People's Daily He has served as media adviser for CCTV, the News Council of Beijing Internet Association, and China Business Times. His research interests include Media Criticism, News Design, Commentary Writing, New Media and Freedom of Speech
Courses: Media Culture and Criticism, Media and Society, News Editing, Advanced News Editing, Studies on Renowned International Journalists, Commentary Writing
International faculty
B.A., Michigan State University; M.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Lee Miller, a visiting professor in the School of Journalism and Communication at Tsinghua University, is one the world's leading experts on business data. He is Editor-at-Large and Chart of the Day Columnist for Bloomberg News. He joined the company in 1991 and was one of Bloomberg's first news staff. His research interests include data mining that spots, illustrates and analyzes global economic, financial, corporate and social trends
Courses: Data Mining, Corporate Strategies, New Media Practice, English News Writing and Editing.
Coordinator: Bloomberg News internship and mentorship program
International faculty, 2022
B.A., University of Texas
Sharon Jayson, a visiting professor in the spring 2022 semester, is a versatile multimedia journalist who worked for USA Today as a reporter for 10 years. She has experience as a television producer and news anchor, a radio reporter and a print journalist. She has appeared as an expert analyst on NBC’s Today Show, CBS This Morning, CNN and MSNBC. As a journalism educator and consultant, Jayson has trained professional journalists in multimedia skills and coached young colleagues. She is a past president of the Society of Professional Journalists, Austin chapter. Her research specialties cover social and behavioral issues such as generational differences, aging, mental health, caregiving and retirement
Course: Business News Reporting and Editing
B.A., Ohio State University; M.A., Georgetown University; Nieman Fellow, Harvard University
Marilyn Geewax, a visiting professor in 2019 and 2021, is an award-winning journalist who has worked in print, radio and TV. In 2018, she retired as the senior business news editor for NPR, where she had spent nearly a decade assigning and editing stories for radio.
She earlier served for nearly a decade as the national economics correspondent for Cox Newspapers' Washington Bureau. In the 1990s, she worked at the Cox flagship newspaper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, first as a business reporter and then as a columnist and editorial board member. She has served as the Cox Institute’s Industry Fellow at the University of Georgia.
Courses: Business News Reporting and Editing, Podcasting
International faculty, 2020
B..J., University of Missouri-Columbia; Master's, Georgetown, University
Sherie Winston, a visiting professor in 2020, has decades of experience in business journalism and global strategic communication. A former Bloomberg News White House correspondent, she won the top business journalism award for deadline reporting on 9/11 attack on Pentagon. She has taught digital communication at Georgetown University.
Courses: Business News Reporting and Editing, New Media Practice (the Intersection of Journalism, Digital Media and Content Creation)
International faculty, 2019
B.S., Northwestern University; M.S. Columbia University
Steve Gunn , a visiting professor in 2019, has extensive experience working as a reporter and editor for many U.S. news outlets, including the Charlotte Observer, the Dallas Times Herald, New York Newsday and the Kansas City Star.
In 17 years at the Charlotte Observer, his roles included Investigations Editor, Editor for Innovations, and Director of Strategic Products and Audience Development. He served as editor-in-chief of the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland, and The Virginian-Pilot in Norfolk. His research interests include media management and relations between news organizations and the communities they serve.
Course: Basic News Writing
International visiting journalist, 2022
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; Master’s , Turku School of Economics at Turku University
Mika Hentunen is a Beijing-based reporter for Finnish broadcaster YLE. He was a lecturer and guest scholar in the GBJ program for the spring 2022 semester, conducting workshops on multimedia journalism skills and delivering lectures on hot topics in international economics and politics. He has three decades of reporting experience from Helsinki, Paris, Brussels, Munich, Seoul and Washington. He has covered historical events including the fall of the Berlin Wall, the 9/11 attacks, Hurricane Katrina, war-torn Sarajevo, and Donald Trump’s summits with Kim Jong Un. He also is the author of two popular thriller novels and three non-fiction works, including a book on the legacy of Donald Trump.
International faculty, 2022-2023
B.A.., New York University
Jake Haselkorn is a media consultant and media trainer in Beijing. His clients include Beijing Foreign Studies University, the National Center for the Performing Arts, the China Forum at Tsinghua University, and The Asian Banker, Upcoming assignments include work for China Global Television Network (CGTN), China Plus, iChongqing, and the China Daily New Media team. He previously worked as a senior consultant to China Global Television Network (CGTN), ABC News Beijing Bureau Chief CBS News Asia Bureau Chief, based in Tokyo, Bader TV News Asia Pacific Bureau Chief, Entertainment Tonight Segment Director in the New York Bureau, The Disney Channel, Field Producer, and an ABC News producer in the United States, among other positions.
Courses: Basic News Writing, Business News for Television
International faculty, 2023
B.A., Princeton University
Ken Moritsugu led the Associated Press’ video, text and photo coverage of the greater China region. He previously reported in Japan, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Thailand, the U.S. and Europe for AP. He was part of the Pulitzer Prize-winning Newsday team for spot news reporting and covered the aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami and the Rwanda genocide. Ken started his journalism career at The Japan Times in Tokyo. He later was a reporter for the St. Petersburg Times, and the Knight-Ridder Washington bureau, and worked as a freelance journalist in India. Ken is a promoter of newsroom diversity and has held several leadership posts in the Asian American Journalists Association, including Asia chapter president.
Courses: Business News Reporting and Editing, Intercultural Communication.
International faculty, 2023-2025
B.A., Peking University, Master's, University of California, Berkeley
Rich experience in bi-lingual financial and tech journalism, Wang Feng has managed multicultural teams across multiple locations. He is an innovative strategist for editorial, marketing and conference operations.
Experience: Editor in Chief, FTChinese.com, Financial Times; Adjunct Lecturer, Journalism and Media Studies Centre, University of Hong Kong; Adjunct Professor, Center of Data and Public Opinion Research, Hainan University; Editorial Board Member, Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA); Editor in Charge, SCMP.com, South China Morning Post; Editor in Charge, Reuters Chinese News Service; Founding Chief Editor, Reuters Chinese website;
Reporter, 21st Century Weekly at China Daily;
Reporter at Xinhua News Agency.
Courses: English News Writing, Business News Reporting and Editing
Visiting journalist, 2024
B.A.., Bohai University
Han Yong May, executive editor of the chief of Lianhe Zaobao in Singapore, graduated from the National University of Singapore and immediately joined Lianhe Zaobao. She has held many important key roles throughout her career, including helping to launch Singapore's first free newspaper, called “My Paper.”
Her leadership influenced modernizing the paper’s format and expanding its audience. Han later led the company’s digital transformation as the first digital editor-in-chief and oversaw content strategy and newsroom operations across multiple platforms.
Visiting journalist, 2024
Choo Chee Wee, a third-generation Singaporean-Chinese journalist, brought more than three decades of experience to Tsinghua University as a visiting scholar.
Chee Wee is the Editor of Shin Min Daily News in SPH Media. He joined SPH in 1990 and held various appointments ranging from Students’ Publications, Executive Editor of the evening dailies’, Executive Editor of the Central Integrated Newsroom and Lianhe Wanbao. He was the Associate Editor of Shin Min Daily News before taking on its editorship in 2017.
Chee Wee also serves as a Board Member at the National Environment Agency and a Council Member of the National Crime Prevention Council.
Pam Tobey
International faculty, 2025
B.A., Texas Woman's University
Pam Tobey is an award winning graphic artist, designer and editor with more than 40 years of professional experience. She spent 30 years on the staff of The Washington Post before joining Beijing Review as Visual Director from 2015-2024.
At the Post, she specialized in business and economic data visualization, was graphics editor of the Morning Mix Web team, and was a member of the Presentation Desk’s Information Design graphics team.
Pam has been a multimedia trainer worldwide, teaching multimedia tools and data visualization in the United States, Europe and China to professional journalists, journalism students and educators.
The National Press Club Journalism Institute is honored to be the home of the annual Pam Tobey Award, which recognizes global excellence in innovative, impactful visual storytelling that maximizes use of modern storytelling tools.
Other experience: Austin American-Statesman, Beaumont Journal.
Course: Business News Data Visualization
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