The best English language journalism master's program in China.
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Student Q&A: Nguyen Hà Linh says GBJ provides unique combination of cultural diversity, data journalism and writing development
GBJ favorites: The 6 best places to relax on the Tsinghua campus
May Newsletter: Final thesis defenses are completed! GBJ students celebrate Global Village Day. The top 5 cafés on campus. And a very (very) Special Scoop
GBJ returns to Washington for a 2024 summer journalism leadership training program
GBJ favorites: 9 delicious dishes from Tsinghua campus canteens
GBJ favorites: Our favorite coffee houses and cafés on the Tsinghua University campus
Tsinghua journalism school to host first summer program for international undergrads
Faculty profile: Wang Feng shares his international journalism experience, commitment to truth-telling with Global Business Journalism students
Indonesian journalist Amanda Wardhani gets "first-hand experience with China" as a student in the Global Business Journalism program
"The best is yet to come," says Bloomberg's Matthew Winkler as he visits Global Business Journalism students at Tsinghua