We are delighted to share the texts of commencement addresses delivered by speakers during the 2020 graduation ceremonies. For a photo gallery commemorating the festivities, click here. To read GBJ co-director Rick Dunham's commencement speech, click here. For Chinese valedictorian Li Dongxiao's commencement speech, click here.
JUNE 21, 2020

Respected professors, staffs, my dear friends of the class of 2020, Good Morning, Ni Hao, 你好!Namaste!!
I am honored and humbled to be given the opportunity to be the graduate representative today, and speak on behalf of my fellow graduating friends. Thank you professors, faculty members and my dear friends.
I am Sangeet Sangroula from Nepal. I am one of the students of the 2020 Global Business Journalism graduating class of the School of Journalism and Communication. Before I say anything, I would like to thank the university for all the efforts to protect students’ health in a time of global health crisis. I would also like to use this opportunity to thank the Chinese Scholarship Council for the scholarship without which my journey to Tsinghua would not have been possible.
Standing here in front of you all, I have mixed feelings of happiness and sadness. I am happy that I am going to graduate from one of the best universities in the world, but also sad that I am soon leaving this beautiful campus which was my home for the last two years. I am happy that I got the chance to physically attend this graduation ceremony, but I am also sad that a lot of our friends could not be present here today due to the pandemic.
But again, this is life. Sometimes, things don’t turn out the way we want them to. All I want to tell my friends is that we are psychologically together even though we are physically apart. Today’s graduation ceremony is about your achievements as much as it is about ours’.
We all made it. Congratulations to us.
Two years ago, sitting in my apartment in Kathmandu, I had read a news story about a Chinese team from Tsinghua traveling across Nepal, studying Nepali culture and tradition. Little did I knew that the leader of the team would be my supervisor.
I would like to express my special thanks to my supervisor, Professor Hu Yu, for his relentless support and advice throughout my time here. His presence made my Tsinghua journey much more enjoyable and enriching learning experience. I will surely miss you.
I am one of the three Nepalese to ever graduate from this school. I am sure I will not be the last. My journey from Kathmandu to Tsinghua has been about learning new journalism skills, making new friends from all over the world, learning a new language, and exploring China, thanks to the Global Business Journalism program. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the school for offering a platform like the GBJ to young talents like me. Also I am thankful to Professor Hang Min and Professor Rick Dunham for nurturing us to be better journalists, better writers and critical thinkers.
I want to give a special shout-out to my classmates. In fact, two of my classmates are present here today —Reehan from Pakistan and Emily from Zimbabwe. It was a fantastic journey with you guys.
I am proud of what I have achieved in the last two years. I am sure my parents would be equally proud too.
I know I still have a long way to go, but I am confident my experience here at this school, especially at the GBJ, will always guide my way well into the future.
Graduating from Tsinghua is indeed an important milestone in our lives. It’s also a new beginning. Let this success make us more kind and caring for others, displaying a true Tsinghua spirit.
Wherever we will go, whatever we become, let’s work together for a better world.
Congratulations once again and good luck!